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Welcome to

Ella Mellman’s

Bat Mitzvah website!

Thank you all for making Ella’s bat mitzvah so special…to those COVID- safe attendees Thursday morning, the many friends and family who joined in around the world, and to our small, little minyan on Saturday morning who braved below 40 degree temperatures on our back deck.

For those who may have missed the Thursday service, we have added videos from some of the service below.

In addition, you will find a link to a copy of Ella’s d’var Torah (speech), audio of the service (Ella’s speech is at about 38:35), and a slideshow (about 13 1/2 minutes…sorry for the length!).

Nicola and Nate


Ella chanting the Torah (with Hannah).


Ella chanting the Torah (with Tim).


Rachel Niewoehner’s remarks to Ella.


Ella getting pelted with candy.


Mazel tovs.


Audio of Ella’s Bat Mitzvah.

